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Tracking Progress

In the two years since we've been in operation, we've had many occasions to improve the quality of individuals' lives.

From defaulted student loans to dream vacations, from credit card debt to small business aspirations ... Whether a client comes to the Bank with hope in their eyes or an ulcer in their gut, they are guaranteed to leave with a renewed faith in Art.

Mark, a Canadian-based professor was recently re-located to an American university. With little time to spare he had to find a dwelling and move all of his belongings before the imminent start of the school semester. In our emergency house-call meeting, I sensed high tension as he described his tight schedule and the booming seller's market in his home-town-to-be. I told him not to worry and handed him a cheque for $30,000. Condo down payment in hand, he made his move with confidence.

... Just one example of what a prospective client can expect when they put their trust in the Bank of Victoria.

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